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Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Oct 31, 2019 | Replies (26)

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I want to attempt a short reply. Tell me how you think it works
T: “ Have you seen an endocrinologist?”
S: “ No “

How does this work? I read every word that you wrote and I can see/understand how and why you selected the words that you used and it is indeed very efficient in informing me what your wrote previously and noted the part that I did not reply to. So I ask myself if I can read and reply in a similar way. The answer is I don’t know if I can read and reply in the same efficient and effective way. I’m wondering if I can’t ask someone to help me break things down so I can see read and learn from another persons POV

Notice how I took a short direct reply and elongated it? LOL maybe I can blame it on the low D! It is possible ya know

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Replies to "PS I want to attempt a short reply. Tell me how you think it works T:..."

Great try on being more word-efficient, @stuckonu! Good work.

Let's try it again. Did you read the information on the link about hyperparathyroidism? Did any of the other symptoms, besides the Vit D level, ring a bell for you?