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Entyvio and hair loss

Digestive Health | Last Active: Mar 15, 2023 | Replies (41)

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Hi @sandyjr that must be so frustrating to have your daughter experience hair loss along with the Crohn's symptoms.
Here is an article from Medical News Today on entyvio. Note that it says others have reported hair loss with entvio but their has been no evidence of this in the medications studies. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325968.php

@dval has experience with entyvio and may be able to share their experience.

Back to you @sandyjr have you asked your daughter's doctor about this?

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Replies to "Hi @sandyjr that must be so frustrating to have your daughter experience hair loss along with..."

Hi! I too have heard about hair loss from people taking Entyvio. I started the infusions in July and just completed the 4th one last week (for UC). While I have noticed my hair seems a little brittle and dryer, it is not falling out. I asked my GI doc about this side effect and he believes that the disease states are what causes the hair loss, as he claims there is no clinical evidence to support this. Of course he’s a scientist and clinical evidence is their thing. Lol. The only side effect I have with Entyvio is the sinus congestion and sometimes a sore throat. I am getting around that by taking Zyrtec, which seems to help. The days that I get the infusions, I am more tired. I resisted the biologics as long as I could (until the UC was fulminant and the GI doc recommended a colorectal surgeon). I am still afraid of this drug, but it’s the only thing that has helped get me into remission after the last flare, which was the worst I have ever had! These are chronic and difficult conditions and I try to take it one day at a time. For me, a whole food plant based diet has helped too. Good luck to your daughter!!! I hope the treatment works and she can reach and maintain remission!! 🙏

Since I have been on Entyvio, I have experienced a lot of hair loss. My shirts are covered in hair everyday. I can run my hand through my hair and end up with no less than 10 strands every time. It’s very upsetting.