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Conflicted on taking medication

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Nov 8, 2023 | Replies (99)

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Hi, I go to Rochester, MN as well. I was very fortunate to hear John Shin, M.D. at the Cancer Education Center, in the Gonda Building on April 2, 2019. The topic was Diet and Cancer: Does it matter what I eat, evidence-based recommendations for focusing on plant-based nutrition. It was very informative information on foods that fight breast cancer. Not sure he speaks too often but if he does go! A book that is extremely helpful to support Dr. Shins presentation is “How Not To Die”, by Michael Gregor, MD, FACLM founder of NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG. Discover the foods Scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease. Chapter 11 is specifically targeting Breast Cancer. I find it very enlightening and gives me some control over my fight against Breast Cancer. Good luck and good reading?

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Replies to "Hi, I go to Rochester, MN as well. I was very fortunate to hear John Shin,..."

I too read that book "How Not to Die" by M. Gregor, MD. and also get email updates from his Nutrition Facts website that are awesome. https://nutritionfacts.org/ That group is not for profit and doesn't promote/sell anything except evidence based research (except the book proceeds are not for the doctor's personal gain). So after a lifetime of the standard American diet, I transitioned to eating whole foods, plant based as much as possible. It is good and takes the right motivation to change. Breast cancer & wanting to have a long life was it for me. 😀

Wow, THANK YOU!!! I will buy the book now. Looking forward to reading it, specially that I’m reading the metabolic approach to cancer book and it focuses more on the keto diet along with cruciferous vegetables etc. diet. So I’m excited to see the different perspective. I will look up the doctor and see if he speaks anywhere else or at Mayo again. I will for sure find out. I am only two and a half hours away from Rochester/Mayo it will make it easy since I doctor there