Posted by barb2025 @barb2025, Sep 20, 2019

I had a sleep study done a 3 years ago and they could not get a good reading because client in bed in next room kept waking me up with all his complaints. So I am back at it again picking up a unit this Monday and wearing it at home for two nights. I do know I definitely have sleep apnea. So my questions for you all that have CPAP units what has been your experiences with the different types of units [full nose-partial] also what about sanitizing them. Should I invest in the unit that you see on TV all the time. I work with a guy that just puts his tubing in the dishwasher-not so sure about that. I would love to hear back from anyone that is currently using a CPAP. Thanks in advance.!

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Hi and Welcome @barb2025 ,
I’ll share my experience with CPAP- it was great to finally get decent sleep! I got a machine recommended by the sleep center and was covered by my insurance. A durable medical equipment company supplied tubes, masks, filters etc. To my knowledge it is not recommended to clean the hoses in the dishwasher. It’s fairly easy to clean them- soaking in water, vinegar and dishwashing liquid and air dry. I used nasal CPAP with soft “pillows “ , suits the way I slept. My husband uses face mask, covering nose and mouth.
Do you see a specialist in sleep medicine and pulmonology? If you don’t mind I would like to hear from you when you are getting set up.
Are there other Connect members that can share experiences and information?


<p>Last night l had to go for a sleep study. I had just had an eeg a week ago. And l told the tech l hope they see l just need a new cpac machine. Well my doctor comes from Turkey very sweet doctor. I trusted her and we bonded the first time l met her. I know she felt a little intimidated coming to a new country leaving her family behind because l moved from another state. So we got along very well. She's very thorough and she concerned about her patients. Her reviews are between 4.5 -5 . Now l know everyone one has different reviews positive and negative. But when l go to the doctors l pray first and ask God to show me about them. And when l talk them l can see or feel something. That the Holy Spirit and God shows me if they are right for me or not. Now sometimes it might take a second visit because doctors have issues too but l will know. And that is also with medications and know when you are sick even though they may not God always has the answer. So l was hooked up and she order the test like an internal medicine doctor. The tech said she well let you know about your entire body how it's running. I never had a sleep study like this before and l had lots of test. And at many hospitals, l really feel like l am the states Ginny pig. But like l say if l can help somebody as l travel along then my living will not be in vain. We should all have that kind of attitude even when we are wrong. Wouldn't that make a difference that's why l enjoyed the Mayo clinic because you see a difference. Not all doctors has the same desire for the patient but as a team you can always weed out some and still get a fantastic results. Now my family wants me to go to John Hopkins but l tell them l have a doctor at the mayo clinic. I wonder if he ever goes there since they are now working together with Autoimmune diseases? And now the support group are getting together. Well l am believing a good report because I already been through the battle and now the battle is won. When we were driving home l was listening to Fred Hammond Lovely Day and that ot certainly was. Have a Blessed Sunday and enjoy the Superbowl!!!</p>

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Hi Lisa @techi, I'm happy to hear you have a doctor that listens and you like. Did they give you the results of the sleep study yet? I started using a CPAP machine after I had a sleep study at Mayo Clinic last July. I'm still getting used to it but I know it can take a long time and one just has to be patient and keep working at it.

Hope you have a great day.


Hi Lisa @techi, I'm happy to hear you have a doctor that listens and you like. Did they give you the results of the sleep study yet? I started using a CPAP machine after I had a sleep study at Mayo Clinic last July. I'm still getting used to it but I know it can take a long time and one just has to be patient and keep working at it.

Hope you have a great day.

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@johnbishop Hey John no l haven't got my results back. It was a full body study because they still having problems with autoimmune diseases and liver disease out here. But she very thoro. I also had a cpac last year and yes they are very difficult so they are going to change my machine. So since she didn't do the first study she wants to see if l really need it. I mean if my sleep issues is my liver, medication that the doctors are prescribing that l shouldn't take with an Autoimmune encephalitis or sometimes hepatic encephalopathy. So l seen a neurologist, and rheumatologist and both say it's my liver. And so l had to fire my last hepatologist l was so happy about before because when my levels went up he said there was nothing wrong with me. Then later wrote on my chart about cirrhosis and hepatitis c which were both ruled out by 2 doctors. One my mayo doctor. And l can't take bystolic and high blood pressure meds. So after the psychiatrist put me on lamictal for mood swings and depression. The FDA put out warning about taking that in April of 2018. So l going to show my doctor tomorrow. And my insurance put out warning of meds l shouldn't be taking so l.have to bring it to there attention. You get so tired so l told my husband l ready to move. I just tired of doctors who only think about prescribing medication for profit and not listening. I have been dealing with this crap for 21yrs and l know better than that and more than that. But l hope you are doing well. I spiritually and l know God has blessed me and l just go around helping people eat better and educate themselves. And l also was watching a doctor on TBN Dr. Leis and she talks about the immune system and the mind, body and soul. And she said you have to retrain your mind and your body and lots of people have been healed of there sickness. And l am eating differently and l am sleeping better and walking. So it might take a little moment and then again it might not but l have to ask God to completely heal me and help others see he can do it for them too. I am going to call the mayo clinic because l don't know if the doctors ever go to John Hopkins because l got a text from John Hopkins and they are teaming together for AE diseases. If not then l will be making an appointment to go before summer because l need to see my doctor. God bless you John and take care. I will let you know the result still waiting for my brain eeg but he's filling out my dps papers so l can still drive. Hallelujah


<p>Last night l had to go for a sleep study. I had just had an eeg a week ago. And l told the tech l hope they see l just need a new cpac machine. Well my doctor comes from Turkey very sweet doctor. I trusted her and we bonded the first time l met her. I know she felt a little intimidated coming to a new country leaving her family behind because l moved from another state. So we got along very well. She's very thorough and she concerned about her patients. Her reviews are between 4.5 -5 . Now l know everyone one has different reviews positive and negative. But when l go to the doctors l pray first and ask God to show me about them. And when l talk them l can see or feel something. That the Holy Spirit and God shows me if they are right for me or not. Now sometimes it might take a second visit because doctors have issues too but l will know. And that is also with medications and know when you are sick even though they may not God always has the answer. So l was hooked up and she order the test like an internal medicine doctor. The tech said she well let you know about your entire body how it's running. I never had a sleep study like this before and l had lots of test. And at many hospitals, l really feel like l am the states Ginny pig. But like l say if l can help somebody as l travel along then my living will not be in vain. We should all have that kind of attitude even when we are wrong. Wouldn't that make a difference that's why l enjoyed the Mayo clinic because you see a difference. Not all doctors has the same desire for the patient but as a team you can always weed out some and still get a fantastic results. Now my family wants me to go to John Hopkins but l tell them l have a doctor at the mayo clinic. I wonder if he ever goes there since they are now working together with Autoimmune diseases? And now the support group are getting together. Well l am believing a good report because I already been through the battle and now the battle is won. When we were driving home l was listening to Fred Hammond Lovely Day and that ot certainly was. Have a Blessed Sunday and enjoy the Superbowl!!!</p>


<p>Last night l had to go for a sleep study. I had just had an eeg a week ago. And l told the tech l hope they see l just need a new cpac machine. Well my doctor comes from Turkey very sweet doctor. I trusted her and we bonded the first time l met her. I know she felt a little intimidated coming to a new country leaving her family behind because l moved from another state. So we got along very well. She's very thorough and she concerned about her patients. Her reviews are between 4.5 -5 . Now l know everyone one has different reviews positive and negative. But when l go to the doctors l pray first and ask God to show me about them. And when l talk them l can see or feel something. That the Holy Spirit and God shows me if they are right for me or not. Now sometimes it might take a second visit because doctors have issues too but l will know. And that is also with medications and know when you are sick even though they may not God always has the answer. So l was hooked up and she order the test like an internal medicine doctor. The tech said she well let you know about your entire body how it's running. I never had a sleep study like this before and l had lots of test. And at many hospitals, l really feel like l am the states Ginny pig. But like l say if l can help somebody as l travel along then my living will not be in vain. We should all have that kind of attitude even when we are wrong. Wouldn't that make a difference that's why l enjoyed the Mayo clinic because you see a difference. Not all doctors has the same desire for the patient but as a team you can always weed out some and still get a fantastic results. Now my family wants me to go to John Hopkins but l tell them l have a doctor at the mayo clinic. I wonder if he ever goes there since they are now working together with Autoimmune diseases? And now the support group are getting together. Well l am believing a good report because I already been through the battle and now the battle is won. When we were driving home l was listening to Fred Hammond Lovely Day and that ot certainly was. Have a Blessed Sunday and enjoy the Superbowl!!!</p>

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Hi, Lisa @techi - since you were talking about a sleep study for sleep apnea, I've moved your post here to this discussion on that exact topic.

Hoping that @astaingegerdm @barb2025 @healingone @happyat76 will have some input for you on their experiences with sleep studies.

So, techi, will you share more about the reason you had the sleep study? You already had a sleep apnea diagnosis and also a CPAP, correct? If so, was it not working well anymore for you?

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