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Pernicious Anemia and B12 Ranges

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Feb 28, 2021 | Replies (23)

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Hi Peach @peach414144 -- Never heard of that type of anemia? Sorry to hear you haven't found anything for the fatigue. It may not help the fatigue but sometimes a piece of dark chocolate helps the soul. Hoping you find a way to get some energy along with some relief for the pain.

Can chocolate be good for my health?
-- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/healthy-chocolate/faq-20058044

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Replies to "Hi Peach @peach414144 -- Never heard of that type of anemia? Sorry to hear you haven't..."

Thank you John. Ah yes, I do love the dark chocolate especially with liquid cranberry inside and cold from the refrigerator. This anemia has insufficient cells in the blood needed to feed the body. White cells and all of the other cells. Of course I have spelled it incorrectly and I just do not want to look it up now as I am getting ready to just lie down for the night. Big day tomorrow as physical therapy is waiting for my legs. Therapy gives me a reason to continue on. Maybe it will help some. Must continue to have hope. Just heard: Stents in the leg veins for vascular insufficiency. Wow! Hope? Here I am Going for arterial and venus doppler tests next month. Good but why must we wait so long for the testing? So hope will be served with dinner tonight. John, you are a caring person to listen to all the ailments from the many of us; especially with all your problems. I am grateful for your time and caring as I am sure the rest of us do. You seem to allways be there for us. Thank you again. peach barbara