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Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Sep 21, 2019 | Replies (31)

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@contentandwell My Dr. is sending me to a Orthopedic spine surgeon . I haven't gotten the referral yet . I know I'm not letting him talk me into surgery but will see what else he may say . Next week I am going to my pain Dr. to see what my upper spine xray showed I hope its just arthritis that is hurting me.

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Replies to "@contentandwell My Dr. is sending me to a Orthopedic spine surgeon . I haven't gotten the..."

I hope all goes well.
Good luck Linda,

@lioness- Linda are you taking pain meds to help until the drs find a cause?

@lioness Linda, I will be looking forward to hearing what the spine surgeon and the pain specialist say.

My brother-in-law did have surgery two years ago for spinal stenosis and it was hugely helpful. He and my sister did some research and found a great surgeon. I don’t believe that is really major surgery, he was inpatient for two nights, and despite being very apprehensive beforehand he is so happy that he did it. Surgery is always scary though, I wasn’t even sure I wanted a liver transplant! If surgery is recommended I know that you, having been a nurse, will do all you can to make sure that you make the best decision and have the best possible doctor.

@lioness I just hate to think that you’re having so much pain. And you’re always cheerful and so helpful to everyone! I certainly hope that those who live near you are helping you—it’s your turn! Let us know how the doctor visits go.