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14 year old daughter and undiagnosed GI pain

Digestive Health | Last Active: Sep 28, 2019 | Replies (37)

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Your daughter does not need a psychiatrist. He will only prescribe antidepressants that have the side effects of suicidal thoughts. And we don't want that! Doctors think that teens, especially young teens, are not able to get endometriosis. Yet I have several friends who have had it since their first cycle (about age 12 or so). In the beginning, Endometriosis forms implants anywhere in the body, but mainly in the abdomen and pelvic area. The implants start small and usually cannot be seen except through laparoscopic surgery. As it builds though it can form cysts. Endo. causes excruciating pain, especially if it is on/near nerves.
Has your daughter been tested for celiac disease? It is a blood test. Is your daughter seeing an ob/gyn at all? or just a GI doctor.

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Replies to "Your daughter does not need a psychiatrist. He will only prescribe antidepressants that have the side..."

I have scar tissue that can not be removed that are plastered on other organs bowel & bladder & they can not be removed bc Mayo Clinic tried & it just made me worse. I started out with pain as soon as I started my period. I suggest you see a Gyn but then they have no knowledge of this disease. I advice you to go to EnodmetriosisTeam on line & read some of the stories & see if your daughter has any of the symptoms. I'm living proof of what endo can do & at a young age. I hope you find answers.