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Slow transit constipation and surgery

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jul 14, 2023 | Replies (140)

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Thanks, ill look into it. Im on medicaid, so no idea how that would work.

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Replies to "Thanks, ill look into it. Im on medicaid, so no idea how that would work."

@januaryjane , I have no idea how all the insurance works. I am blessed to have a husband that takes care of all that. I do know that The Mayo Clinic accepts patients with no insurance. They accept donations for specifically that and some specifically for their research. Just call whichever Mayo Clinic you are going to. Numbers are at their site. They will answer you questions on insurance and will tell you if you are eligible for an appointment. Sometimes they turn down patients for various reasons, but not for how or if you are able to pay.

Colectomy is a major surgery and I understand how miserable you are but it's not always the best answer. Please get more opinions. I have had a colon resection due to a bowel obstruction caused by a congenital bowel malformation-- a rotated cecum which I never knew I had until the obstruction. I had 18" of colon removed. I did have chronic constipation before the bowel obstruction occurred but had it under control (mostly) with magnesium capsule supplements and high dose vitamin c. It has taken 3 years to really recover-- very hard. There is a closed Facebook group on post colectomy pain and problems. Several of the folks on the board had colectomies due to chronic constipation and are worse off now. Hope you get better and find a solution. It is truly frustrating and can be disabling.