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Immunotactoid glomerulonephritis

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Aug 17, 2019 | Replies (11)

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Thank you for tagging me in this conversation. @abrunslori, I was diagnosed with Collagenofibrotic Type III Glomerulopathy in March 2015, and have been monitored closely since then. My GFR is currently 33%, a drop of only 6% since medically retiring in Oct 2015. Like you, the drs are monitoring my situation closely, as there are some other things also interfering with stellar health. Like @johnbishop asked, what are your doctors saying for you to do? I follow a low protein diet, and follow a renal diet to help my kidney function keep in a gentle-to-no slide downhill.

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Replies to "Thank you for tagging me in this conversation. @abrunslori, I was diagnosed with Collagenofibrotic Type III..."

Hi Ginger. Sorry to hear of your disease. I to follow a low protein low potassium low phosphorus no red meats processed foods dairy grains salt etc. it seems like I've carried this disease for 10 years however was just diagnosed a year ago after kidney biopsy. As I message John I'm taking a more holistic approach with some alternative medicine and some herbalism. Hopefully that'll help me to sustain a longer. Of time until kidney failure comes knocking