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Barrett’s esophagus-friendly diet

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jul 27, 2023 | Replies (125)

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I checked the Acid Watcher book out of the library. Haven’t read it all in detail but in looking at the diet info, I can see that for me (and anyone else with IBS who follows the Low FODMAP diet) this would be the “dueling diets” scenario. Some foods that the author recommends (eg avocados, watermelon and honey) are triggers for IBS. And vice versa—some of the foods allowed on the IBS diet are not on the acid watcher regimen. Most of the obvious things like tomatoes, caffeine and carbonated beverages are well known reflux triggers and anyone with GERD would already know to avoid them. The book presents an interesting approach but I won’t be following the diet.

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Replies to "I checked the Acid Watcher book out of the library. Haven’t read it all in detail..."

@jackiem95, thank you for your input on the book! I understand your dilemma bc I also have IBS- C&D, along with IC, and BE. Thankfully, @riflemanz64 , and other's on this thread who were previously interested in the book, do not have IBS, and were strictly speaking of it towards the sole benefit of improving their BE symptoms. And, for that, alone, I know it works bc it's working for my mom, @riflemanz64, and a couple of other BE sufferers that I personally know, which was why I first recommended this book. So sorry it won't work for us, though, due to our IBS.