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Do I have Pancreatitis?

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Sep 5, 2022 | Replies (75)

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I'm a 29 year old female , young mother of 2 , 14yrs & 10 yrs old .
Back in 2011 i was having sever abdominal pain , also couldn't eat anything without severe bloating or pain in my upper right quadrant abdomen . Saw 3 different GI specialists , all had different diagnosis's . Which i thought didn't make much sense to me . There was literally nothing i could do to convince these doctors the severity of my pain and discomfort . I kept telling them that i thought it was my gallbladder , but they told me otherwise , because i was " too young to have gallbladder issues ." Finally just ignored it and decided to just live with whatever it was and just go day by day . One day while driving to the gym , i drank my pre workout drink and was instantly in so much pain in my abdomen , that i ended up having shortness of breath and passing out at the wheel at a stop light , woke up in the hospital to them explaining to me that i need to go into emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder due to so many gallstones that it was overflowing into my abdomen making me very sick . Fast forward to about 6 months , started to have same like symptoms . But didn't see a doctor , thought i could wait and see what would happen . Tried all different kinds of diets . gluten free , vegan , keto etc .. at the time i competed in fitness , so my diet was very bland and every nutritional value , calorie intake , etc was counted and weighed , i ate every 3 hours or so drank 1-2 gallons of water a day for about 5 years .

Now February 2019 i started having same like symptoms , but worse . i weighed in about 162lbs , now remember i train and eat very strict constantly to up keep good health and body image , i'm 5'8" 162lbs 29 yr old female nice trim lean body . by April 2019 i weighed 122lbs , still training not as hard . current symptoms from February 2019 - CURRENT : Severe weight loss , no appetite , Vomiting , diarrhea ( greasy , about 4 times a day ) , sometimes my face skin looks pale / yellowish , severe abdominal bloating , shortness of breath , severe abdominal pain in upper right quadrant , fatigue , constant nausea , feel full after small meal to no meals at all , lingering pain in my right shoulder blade area , exhaustion , insomnia , shaking hands or sometimes my whole body trembles for hours , loss of focus or confusion . I'll go about 3 days without eating or if i do eat its no more then 500 calories a day , thats with 1 small meal or a protein shake or a couple snacks. body image i a lot different . Almost looks like my body was surviving off what body fat i had , also hair / eye lashes were shedding . I have a new GI doctor that i have been seeing for about 2 months . Bloodwork always looks odd , even from the start . Liver enzymes are always very elevated AST high 500's+ ALT high 600's+ . Did a breath test doctor said i tested positive for SIBO , put me on a course of antibiotics for 3 weeks . Scheduled a endoscopy/colonoscopy . When given directions to drink 3 oz of the liquid laxative 4 hours prior to procedure , 3 oz of liquid laxative 2 hours prior to procedure , i was only able to drink 2oz of the liquid laxative 4 hours prior to the procedure before having severe abdominal pain and bloating with shortness of breath . My husband took me to the hospital immediately ( 5am ) . Got to the hospital and they gave me fental IV and fluids . Did xrays and the doctor there told me he thought i may have a bowel obsruction so he ordered a CT Scan . CT scan came back normal . But he did explain that he was worried that since being at the hospital for 8 plus hours and haven't passed any of the laxative . My belly kept expanding and pain was still there , but sent me home once i felt " comfortable " . At about 2 am the next morning is when i started to pass the laxative out of both ends . Followed up with my GI doctor and rescheduled for the endoscopy since i refused colonoscopy due to being terrified to drink the laxative again . Endoscopy came back " normal " . Doctor said he is still concerned about weight loss / appetite loss . Retested the breath test for SIBO to see if the antibiotics cleared up the gut bacteria .

I'm at a loss of what to do , who to see , or what to expect . I've been told by many , talks of a clogged bile duct from removal of gallbladder and a stone has lodged itself . Form of liver disease/cancer . Form of pancreatic issues ..

Any advice or someone with the same issues ? would greatly appreciate any guidance or help . ( sorry for the long story )

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Replies to "I'm a 29 year old female , young mother of 2 , 14yrs & 10 yrs..."

Your symptoms sound like pancreatitis (chronic) or bile duct problems. I have pancreatitis and my pain was upper rt. quadrant. Don't have many other signs, but one of my pancreatic enzymes were elevated. I had a CT of abdomen, and MRI of pancreas. Both showed acute pancreatitis. I was not getting better, so they did an EUS which is an endoscopy hooked up to an US machine. He saw the head of pancreas was enlarged..took a biopsy and it came back as no cancer. This test also shows liver, abdomen, duodenum, bile ducts and especially looks for cancer. I would ask your doctor if he can do one of them. Good luck~