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Responsive doctors at Mayo

Neuropathy | Last Active: Aug 3, 2019 | Replies (24)

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Would MFR improve balance or is it primarily to lessen the pain?

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Replies to "Would MFR improve balance or is it primarily to lessen the pain?"

@nwhubert There are many reasons for bad balance, so you may not know if MFR helps you unless you try it. It does get the body moving properly again which helps with posture and ergonomics, so that could help balance. If it does help, you can benefit a lot, and it often reduces pain. @lioness has also done a lot of MFR and commented about it and that it has helped her neuropathy. I can say from my own experience that MFR did help with balance, but for me that was vertigo caused by misalignment of my cervical spine due to muscle spasms that moved the vertebrae around. MFR along with some other therapies helped get things back where they belong. This was happening when I needed spinal decompression surgery, but since I have had that surgery and recovered, I have not had any dizziness or balance issues.

@nwhubert, It is my understanding that if your "unbalance" is the result of restrictions that are either pulling your center of gravity off or creating an atypical gait pattern, then MFR will help "set you straight".