Hi Terri, I'm newly diagnosed MAC / atypical TB / Bronchiectasis earlier this year. The pulmonary doc put me on Azithromycin, Ethambutol and Rifampin all on an empty stomach in the morning. I was hanging in there for awhile but after 6 weeks my husband had open heart surgery and I really got off track with losing weight. I've always been thin but with the stress and anxiety associated with his surgery really did me a trick. My follow up appt. with the pulmonary doc ended with him saying I would need to stop all the meds--that I might not be able to tolerate the treatment. His plan at the time was to start me back on the meds one at a time to see if one could be pin pointed as to one that was affecting my appetite. When I went back he said NO--All meds or nothing. He then said, if you don't get your sinus straightened out I won't be able to do anything for you. Saw ENT doctor and now on second round of a different antibiotic and prednisone. My confidence is shaken with pulmonary doc but not sure how to go about finding another one in Montgomery, Al area to go to. I heard it is very difficult to even get in the group here and would go to Birmingham if someone there is good. I read the treatment you did and was very uplifted by the success you had. I'm 73 and just don't know what the future holds. My doctor has never given me a single piece of literature about my disease and was so glad someone put me onto the Mayo Connect. Do you have any suggestion on how to search out a doctor in this area who I might be more experienced that this doc seems to be. Thank you so much. I have learned an enormous amount just this week of joining Mayo Connect. Have a blessed day.
Hello fdixon63, i feel for you and I have been there with the Dr. in Montgomery Al. I too have Bronchiectasis and MAC and took the big 3 for 18 months. I look for a good pulmonologist there but can’t find any. There all in one group. My name is cila and you put your number on private message and I will call you. Blessings and hug to you.