@gingerw, to be honest, the doctors aren't able to pinpoint what happened or when exactly... they went from one day (last Monday) telling him he had no kidney or liver function still, to 2 days later, function was coming back to both kidney and liver, and there was a slim slim slim chance of reducing dialysis or the even slimmer chance of coming off dialysis all together... And as of yesterday, he is off dialysis and the port in his neck was removed. In fact, he just told me that his nephrologist is ready to let him go today rather than Friday or Saturday.
What I can say, is the changes in his lifestyle that we made while I was there last. My mom is a licenced holistic nutrition coach, and when he said he was ready to fight, she and I worked out an eating and herbal/supplemental plan for him. He stopped eating the food that the hospital was providing for renal patients and began eating only low sodium, Non-GMO, Organic Plant-based foods... he is drinking a Naked Juice Green Machine daily, its ingredients are kidney/liver super foods, using peanuts, beans, and dark leafy greens for protein. After discussing with the hospital and his care team (none which had any opposition to this) He's taking what he calls his "fab 5" supplements/herbs... started with Milk Thistle, then Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Red Clover, and Turmeric with Black Pepper &Tart Cherry. We would do one supplement every 2 days to see how his body and system would respond. I got him pH strips to test his urine pH- it started out very acidic at a 5.5, so we found some alkaline water, and he's been sticking to that, and his pH is now a solid 7 (neutral). Every morning he has a cup of warm water with the juice of one lemon or lime in it.
His care team started taking him off their prescribed medications while I was there 2 weeks ago. He is now only on one medication for low blood pressure, but its steadily going back to normal as well. He went into the hospital on no less than 20 prescriptions, and then added more, only to now remove them as his system function is returning so well without the need for the medications. He has been off lactulose and any pain killers for nearly 2 weeks as well.
I would love to think that the natural and simple foods have helped in his improvement, his primary care doctor in the palliative care department feels very strongly they have, and have written down the supplements he's taking as part of his care program.
I also cannot deny that a huge part of this improvement may also be attributed to our faith, hope and fight, and the countless prayers that we and our family and friends have been offering. I'm very well aware of statistics and the prognosis that he was given, and I'm in awe and speechless as to the turn around myself... as is he. We have been preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best... and now just even more grateful for each day we have, because it is a gift.
I know that this is probably not the response a lot of people here will expect, or condone as its not a "medically sanctioned routine" or that I wasn't careful or didn't talk to the right people or X,Y & Z... but all I can say is what we have done. When he was faced with "this is the end" he said he didn't have anything to lose, and would give it a shot. 2 weeks later, he's coming home, off of dialysis, liver and kidney function both improved to the point of no medications needed, and being re-evaluated for the possible need of liver transplant. I don't know how to explain it. The doctors can't explain it. But.... this is where we are and what we did to get there.
@pandaqty There are always many opinions. When someone honestly relates what their story is and what has happened to them and how things have improved, they have no any reason to not tell the truth. I am not doubting as I know the body is a miracle. For you, your husband and all of your friends and family, having found the right combination of things to help him is what made the difference. And you cannot discount the fact that he said "yes". When someone agrees and is a willing participant I have found that things change in the body and the response to be dramatically different. Good luck to you and we want you to come back and tell us how things go.