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DiscussionIs there a connection between dementia and hearing loss?
Hearing Loss | Last Active: Oct 22, 2020 | Replies (18)Comment receiving replies

When these studies came out it put fear in the hearts and minds of many hard of hearing people, especially those with adult onset hearing loss, meaning post language acquisition. Many in that population are not elderly when their hearing loss is diagnosed. Hearing loss is more common in the elderly population, but it's important to understand it affects people of all ages. I was diagnosed in my early 20s. As my hearing loss progressed I became isolated, bitter and depressed. I felt totally 'out of it' with my social peers. I had always been an active socially outgoing person, but that started to change as my hearing loss progressed. It was embarrassing to make mistakes in conversation, and to be told I was misunderstanding things. That is what leads to isolation. It's easier to stop socializing than to feel chronically stressed with fear of looking stupid!
I resisted getting hearing help because my doctors had told me that hearing aids wouldn't help me. I felt hopeless until I became driven, in my 30s, to seek hearing help. That first hearing aid did help, but the stigma attached to using it embarrassed me. It took quite a while before I was comfortable enough to talk about it with others. Learning about the new organization Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc. (SHHH) in 1984 changed my thinking, my perceptions and my life. (SHHH is now HLAA, The Hearing Loss Assn. of America, Inc.) Because of this organization, I learned coping strategies. I learned about technology that could double the value of my hearing aid. I met other people like me. And, I accepted the reality that if I wanted to remain in the intellectual company of other people, I needed to use every possible piece of technology available to me. And, I have over all these years. Today it's being bimodal with both a hearing aid and a cochlear implant, AND using all the devices that work with my HA and CI, that connect with both telecoil and BlueTooth. Amazing stuff that far too many people with hearing loss don't even know exists. For example, I had stopped going to performing arts and theater for years, until these technologies became available. Now I look forward to enjoying them.
So, what does this have to do with hearing loss leading to dementia? I believe that hearing loss can mimic dementia in some cases. I also believe that when hearing loss goes untreated it leads to a state of inertia that most likely affects the brain. When you don't use it, you may lose it. When you don't keep up with current events and social activities you become isolated in many ways. How people react to the difficult issues of hearing loss is affected by many variables. Intellect, personality, experience, motivation, special interests, and innate self esteem are all variables that may determine how hearing loss affects a person. Each one of us makes choices in these areas, but we are also influenced by who we are and who we were before hearing loss entered our lives.
I believe that hearing loss can lead to dementia/cognitive decline if it goes ignored and untreated. We all know that many people who have hearing loss do not take steps to get hearing help for legitimate reasons. Stigma that leads to denial is huge. I have never seen an advertisement about hearing instruments that doesn't market denial. They all stress invisibility, as in 'no one will know you're wearing it'. Doesn't that promote the stigma that prevents many from seeking help? The other big factor is cost. It's a travesty that hearing aids are not covered by insurance and Medicare. It's also amazing that the cost has not gone down. I guess that if all the people who could benefit from hearing aids bought them, the cost would go down considerably
With all the research that's going on, there is no question that when hearing loss is untreated it leads to more serious issues. Not just dementia, but to unemployment, anger, and frustration; all of which can lead to anti social behavior that may lead to other societal issues. It's way past time to recognize that hearing loss is treatable, and that when not treated it often leads to issues that are troublesome. UNTREATED is a key word here.
Replies to "When these studies came out it put fear in the hearts and minds of many hard..."
@bookysue All these studies are giving us food for thought but we have to remember as we age we start to deteriorate our bodies start to shrink our brains start to get clogged by placque and just old age . There are many dementia,s out there the worst is Alzheimers but it is what it is. Don't worry about it or you will cause yourself to get in a state of chaos . A lot of things affect our tiring brain. If we eat the right foods and exercise that is the most important for our bodies and brain . There are a lot of brain games to keep our gray cells alive we just have to do this. Look at that women 103 years old who just ran the senior Olympics in New Mexico .