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wife has balance problem

Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: Feb 5, 2024 | Replies (28)

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I'm sorry and can relate. About 6-7 years ago, my opthamologist (?) , (I have glaucoma so go there every 3-6 months.) Noticed something in my eye/eyes & had me seen by neurologist/opthamologist. Had an MRI & was diagnosed with hydroephalus and told not to worry; a shunt could always be used. Fast forward to last year when I was in PT for some hip/leg issues. The pt's there noticed my walk/gait and addressed it with me. Once the PT ready my records she said, Hydrocephalus could be your issues. I had honestly never gave it another thought in all those years, however, I had a doctor asking me how my hydrocephalus. I didn't give it a second thought. When my blance became an issue with physical training, et., I contributed it to 'aging', normal side affect of aging. Saw my neurologist who I didn't see often. An MRI was ordered & the hyrdocephalus was still present. Don't think it goes away. Compared it to the very first MRI. He menioned my gait. He said looking at my films many docs would say, there is the shunt? He old me to have physical therapy for my balance which I've been doing every 1-2 times a month. Don't see how it's working. I don't like going because it reminds me of what I'm up against & it is upsettig causing me to cry sometimes in pT. Doctor said to use a walker (got a rollator (?). I'm barrased to go outside & be seen; I have a good psychologist I'm woring with but still not very happy. Going to ask the doc at my next visit why he's not recommending a shunt. However, if he does suggest one, I"ll have to really consider the pros & cons while I'd be hopeful it would work. I'm thinking of using an aluminum walked that can be folded up for transportation & it makes you work harder on your balance & walking. Did I mention the urination extreme??? However I did go to NYC last week with son, wife & 2 children to see my other son get married. I bought a wheelchair at Wal-Mart to use with someone pushing me. I wasn't always getting into some NYC restuarants without going through the kitchen, albeit everyone was very kind & helpful! Would love to read some other hydrocephalus diagnosis with self or family member.

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Replies to "I'm sorry and can relate. About 6-7 years ago, my opthamologist (?) , (I have glaucoma..."

Hello @llbrown, I'm so glad that you joined Connect - welcome! I appreciate you sharing your balance problems with Connect. Balance problems can be very disheartening and can certainly limit your daily activities as you have mentioned in your post.

Here are some Connect discussions on Hydrocephalus and shunts that you might find helpful. Just click on the links and you can read what others have said about hydrocephalus and shunts.
I'm just wondering, @llbrown, have you asked your doctors why they will not try a shunt to see if that will help? Please know that it is always your right to get a second opinion. Have you considered getting a second opinion? Do you live near a university medical school or a Mayo facility where they have a multidisciplinary approach? This would be a good place to check out other alternatives to dealing with this balance issue.

Will you post again and let me know how you are doing?

@llbrown, Hydrocephalus,.. I understand wishing it would go away, and of not addressing the issue. Sounds like me. Hard to accept that things aren't perfect, I think that we get that in our society, goes right along with being embarrassed to be seen. We feel it too. I just bought a W/C also. Now looking on you-tube at videos about how people are traveling with W/C's. These people are brave, bold and accepting. Its encouraging to see them going everywhere and looking at is as an adventure. Glad you were able to see you son's wedding. and hope you continue to get things done medically that you need.
Calling Mayo this AM. I've been putting it off. but feeling better today and have the W/C now.