← Return to Vestibular Migraine with associated tactile illusions

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@corxdv Here are some extensive articles about vestibular impairment and the trigeminal nerve. These are written by a physical rehab therapist. I have had some vertigo myself, caused by muscle spasms that moved C1 & C2 and when my therapist realigned everything, it resolved the vertigo. I am a spine surgery patient and also have thoracic outlet syndrome which causes tightness from my chest and neck up to my jaw which is worse on one side, so I have uneven pressure on the sides of my neck up to my jaw. One side was so tight, I was wearing down my dental fillings only on that side of my mouth. I had a collapsed disc at C5/C6 and bone spurs causing stenosis in the central canal, and that was generating the muscle spasms. I had spine surgery at Mayo and it resolved the spasms that were causing the vertigo, and everything has calmed down. My therapist is an expert level in the John Barnes methods of myofascial release which has helped a lot. There is a discussion here with a lot of information on MFR. I am still working on the TOS with my PT and gaining ground. I did have tingling in my face from the trigeminal nerve prior to the surgery, and can still have a bit of that now and then, and then I check my spinal alignment and I have found slight shifts above my fused level which my therapist can easily fix. Mostly that happens if I sleep wrong and have my neck in a turned position which can kick up the symptoms and cause a slight spasm. The issues for me were caused by misalignment of the spine, skull, and jaw due to overly tight muscles and uneven muscle tension from side to side, that then causes compression.


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Replies to "@corxdv Here are some extensive articles about vestibular impairment and the trigeminal nerve. These are written..."

I have this along with an acoustic neuroma so don't know which is causing symptoms when they flare up, also fibro, spine and neck problems,etc side of face goes numb and all kinds of symptoms that sound a bit off the wall. Supposed to have radiation treatment to stop the growth of the tumor. So far haven't found a doc that can treat or knows anything about vestibular migraines. I go to Duke in NC because it is near my home.

Hi there
I am six months into my diagnosis of vestibular migraine. After many negative MRI and cat scans, I am working with a neurologist. I am on my third trial of medicine. The level of imbalance has lowered significantly, however remains daily. I still walk like and feel like I'm on a boat often. Have you noticed the heat and humidity as a trigger? Realizing our triggers are individual, I was curious. I kept a journal to help.