← Return to Stage 2 breast cancer: What treatments decisions did you have to make?

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You’ve likely already sought out the guidance of your oncologist. My doctor did a mamma-print to know the characteristics of my cancer cells and how were reproducing. My cancer was pretty slow growing, so she felt radiation was enough and I could be spared chemo. I had 19 treatments of radiation, and did not have severe burning or skin issues. My skin was tender, but not really ‘burned’ with blistering. For me it was the fatigue as the radiation treatments progressed that was the hardest. The fatigue lasted about 6 weeks after treatment, and then slowly started to improve. It’s been a year now since I was diagnosed, and treatment ended last year in early August. Now my issues are with the side effects of the estrogen lowering medications, Anastrozole, or Tomoxifin, that have been difficult for me. These medications can be challenging for cognitive function. There are many articles available on-line from various reputable sources such as this one, the Mayo Clinic, and others to gain valuable information from.

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Replies to "You’ve likely already sought out the guidance of your oncologist. My doctor did a mamma-print to..."

I had a lumpectomy in January, radiation, and 2 different AIs with bone pain side effects with each. My mammoprint results just came back with a very low reocurrence rate. Because I hate these AIs, the recommendation is now to put me on tomoxifen since tomoxifen does not have the bone pain side effects, just hot flashes