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@crstyday40 - Yes, I'm guessing you are completely right that you will get the patient education on the clinical trial you're going to be in with the inhaled alprazolam on Friday when you go in.

Even more so since this is a study, it's absolutely appropriate to discuss all your concerns and questions in consenting to participate, and I would imagine they would be more than happy to talk these through with you.

What was the concern of your new neurologist with your participating in this trial?

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Replies to "@crstyday40 - Yes, I'm guessing you are completely right that you will get the patient education..."

@lisalucier when i told her about it and let her know that my husband wasnt happy about me doing it because of the potential side effects and how my seizures are not like the ones i use to have "flopping on the floor like a fish" now they are just "teeny tiny ones and no big deal" she (new Neuro) said for me to "reflect on how far ive come" and I have and do and thank God I dont have the "bad ones" anymore. I dont know if Ive mentioned this already but ive been asking her if theres anything I can take for mid day because thats when they start. She will never answer me about that! She just says "make sure you use your magnet" which I do. But, i could use my magnet all.day long and it doesnt ease the auras or stop my seizures. Gradually they keep getting more frequent and I will do or say things that I did before my brain surgery. Like I was only having them about once a week, but I been having them every single day for the last 2 or 3 months now and had 2 seizures yesterday and auras all day and night...Used my medical cannabis vape, it absolutely does NOTHING for me!! Just like the cbd oil..nothing!! Had a seizure after using it and auras. Every time ive used the vape about 30 min to an hour later I will have a seizure. My husband told me to use again and again..i did and it just does not help me at all!!!!! I kept wishing Friday would get here so I could try this inhaler thing. Hoping and praying for the best. We shall see!!! Thank you all!