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Hi JK @contentandwell , Right now, I just go to aquatic PT a couple times a week. My dr suggested to start out slow so that it's not overwhelming and that I don't get self defeated. I thought that was great advice because I can be a bit of an Type A personality and end up trying to over achieve which then sets me back.

Just recently, I've come to some real acceptance of my health issues (7 surgeries so far) and more needed, and the weird brain issue. And that its okay to switch gears on a day that I might have plans, if I'm not feeling well. Life is full of switching gears! I've learned to be as empathic to myself as I am to others. It took a long time but I finally got there and it fills me with peace..most days anyway! Hugs!

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Replies to "Hi JK @contentandwell , Right now, I just go to aquatic PT a couple times a..."

@butterflylan17 It is smart to start out slowly. I had been doing water classes prior to my surgery so the group knew me there. When I resumed I went to class late every day to do a shortened version. I like to be there at the end because then there is a lot of stretching, so I preferred starting late to leaving early.
We all need to be empathic to ourselves. Yesterday I wanted to try out yoga in the morning but my back was hurting and I didn't want to start like that. I questioned myself, was I just using that as an excuse, but I decided it really was a good decision. We can only do what we can do.
I generally do water exercises on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today I am just about to leave to do a session in the gym. I really hate the gym but I feel it's necessary, and at my age they say that it's important to do strengthening exercises. UGH