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Chronic bowel problems, Magnesium and Side effects

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jun 21, 2019 | Replies (36)

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Hello and I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Magnesium. Can I ask what kind of Magnesium supplement you're taking? Some have more side effects than others in terms of GI issues. I was also told to take Magnesium in the OXIDE form for constipation. I have experimented this past year and have taken 400-2000 depending on my symptoms. I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis and related disorders since the onset. The magnesium never bothered me but wasn't predictable if it was going to help. I can't say it did much in terms of regular relief. I never had side effects and I have done a lot of research on Magnesium and it's different forms and from what I gather, it seems to be really safe and is actually recommended for anyone to take with little risk as far as I know. The only thing I found that I need to be careful of is how it can REDUCE the absorption of other medications or supplements you are taking. You want to take the Magnesium either 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking your other pills. I found this out doing my own research, I wasn't told by even my doctor and I"m on a lot of other meds and supplements so it's a good thing to know.

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Replies to "Hello and I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Magnesium. Can I ask what kind..."

Thank you @tykehome. I am taking magnesium hydroxyde, 750 mg. per tablet.
I must say it indeed is not very predictable. Which is a bummer, but still, it's better than 'nothing'.
It is very interesting that you found out it can prevent the proper absorption of other medication. I had no idea.
Maybe my problems then are not related to the magnesium. It is just very strange because I felt rather okay before I started using it.
As an update: the fog seems to be clearing off. I have not taken magnesium yesterday, and only half a tablet today (which had effect). My heart rhythm is getting better and the headache and dizziness seem to get less as well. I will call the cardiologist tomorrow and ask him what to do. Thank you very much for the tip to not take magnesium too close to taking other pills!