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The math of invasive breast cancer risk for LCIS

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Mar 2, 2023 | Replies (44)

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Mucusious carcinoma...you are the second person that I know that seems to be aware of that. None of the doctors I have talked to...I am on my 3rd oncologist this time around....had a clue what I was talking about. The other person that is aware of it is my brother. He had it in 2018...it was in a tear duct or something by his eye. I had BC for the second time when he was going through this and he told his doctor and the Dr told him to tell me because there is a connection with BC that I should have genetic testing. I did get the testing and have the CHEK2 mutation which involved with BC. Anyway, since no one else has said anything about it, could you share some of your information about? I did not have mutinous carcinoma...IDC though. My brother has to go yearly for a mammogram.

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Replies to "Mucusious carcinoma...you are the second person that I know that seems to be aware of that...."

Hello so sorry to hear that your brother has this type of cancer. I can tell you my cancer and those of my sons were reacted by Duke as an environmental exposure. our nightmare begin at Ft McCellan Ala - adjacent to the Monsanto properties.
This type of cancer is very rare and spreads through the mucous membranes in your body.
This is what the literature I have researched
Tells me. If your brother or your parents -grandparents were ever in the military and stationed at several bases it has been determined to pass generations. 5 decades were studied and rare cancers and other autoimmune diseases have been added to the list. A web site you may want to look at is (poisonedveterans.org) there have been useful links there. My oncology team are excellent
I first went to Duke Hospital where they did genetics and multiple layer testing. There was no cancer in family link. It started with my spouse and me. We had 4 children. My spouse had GBD and is deceased. Both sons passed with in a year of each other. Renal Cell and leomeysarcoma. Both daughters are ill. One had ductal carcinoma and ovarian. Mastectomy bilateral and total hysterectomy.
Now in remission however also has autoimmune diseases. The other daughter has unspecified lumps in breast and autoimmune diseases. She is being studied to see what they can do.
The grandchildren are also affected. Granddaughter has RRMS. Recurring relapsing multiple sclerosis and it goes on and on. Research through government website and the above mentioned link.
God Bless