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@lorirenee1, Hi Lori - I hope you are having another low pain day! I don’t know what the heck happened but that steroid shot in my toe has increased the twitching and nerve pain. I was down for the count yesterday. I had to do a couple short errands and when I got home I was in so much pain and went to lay down on the bed. My husband was very sweet and was sitting next to me. I took off my shoes and socks and he noticed the discoloration near my ankle and took a picture because I couldn’t see it. It looked sort of like bruising but went away once my feet were elevated. This can happen because of damage to the peripheral nerves. Thank God my meds I take at night help me sleep. Hopefully things will calm down but it’s a blow emotionally.
I live in California so I don’t need a medical card to purchase any of the cbd/thc products. I asked for the best and the strongest salve. I increased the Gabapentin yesterday and am going to try the cbd drops as well. Just trying to take it day by day and doing the best I can. There have days, like yesterday, when the pain is so excruciating I have felt like going to the ER but I know there is nothing that they can really do.
The twitching can be a sign of large nerve fiber involvement but thankfully that was not true for you by your EMG results. And you don’t have small fiber so the epidural should help you!
My bloodwork is fine, also no diabetes and B6 dropped by down to normal range. Just gotta tough it out. I am thankful for my loving family, don’t know what I would do without them!

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Replies to "@lorirenee1, Hi Lori - I hope you are having another low pain day! I don’t know..."

Laura, When I think about it, it does not surprise me that a shot right into the toe where you have all this pain, would only exacerbate the pain. Hopefully, it is an immediate reaction, and will settle down. The word excruciating to describe pain is God awful, and unfortunately, I use it a lot. As I write this, I am only hoping that your pain now is low, or at least at a level you can handle. When I got the biopsies for small fiber neuropathy, I remember first asking if he would take skin directly from the foot. He said that is not done. It would cause too much pain!!! God in heaven, what we go through. Many times, I have wanted to go to the emergency room, and like you, realized not much could be done, if anything. Maybe they could give us morphine, or something stronger. Knock us over the head with a hammer. My toes are feeling so twisted, distorted, yanked out...and they do get a bit odd looking, but nothing as bad as what I feel. Anyway, I am glad your B6 is of more normal limits and that you are not diabetic. You are like me. You research like a mad woman. I went to physical therapy yesterday, and he worked me like a dog. Some of the muscles included were ones I never knew I had! I was so fried when I came home, that it was nuts. The only thing good about my foot trouble, is that I never think about the fact I had breast cancer a year ago. Is that nuts, or what? Life can be quite ludicrous. Anyway, one more week for me, and hopefully, the epidural will help at some level. June 12th, you will get answers. Ok, California Laura. Hope this note finds you in way less than excruciating pain. My toes feel like they are all in different directions, but who cares. No pain. That is what is important. We will talk again. God Bless... Lori