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Replies to "I have CRPS Types 1 and 2, with my right leg being the primary location, and..."
Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: 1 day ago | Replies (12)
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Replies to "I have CRPS Types 1 and 2, with my right leg being the primary location, and..."
I have crps type 1, was diagnosed about 2 years ago. Broke my ankle in 3 places and that's where my nightmare began. I was extremely lucky to be diagnosed early. I tried gabapentin , nerve blockers , but they all failed. I have a spinal implant and it saved my hand. Mine jumped quickly from leg to arm then after implant to other arm, but they had already put leads in for both arms. Unfortunately now it's in my spine, I use medical marijuana to help when it's really bad. I also keep a diary of every thing and pictures. I try and tell others that have it to really enjoy the days when u feel good. Do something special for yourself!! I'm here to listen and compare whatever anyone has to say! Keep in touch if you want. I'm always checking the posts . Good luck!!