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CBD Daily Spray and blood thinners

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Mar 12 2:31pm | Replies (61)

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Good for you being so proactive and going to the gym. I have problem knees and the physiotherapist said to either walk or swim. I do walk on my treadmill most days. But I no longer go to the gym...although maybe I should go swimming in the gym pool...
Taking Turmeric with a few grounds of pepper in the drink every day, really helps me get over stiffness and diminishes pain.
I have been getting a Synvisc shot every 6 - 8 months and it is safe unlike cortisone. It is gel that cushions the knew. It costs several hundred dollars a shot but...when it's for one's health, that is fine.
If you are on statins and let's face it, Big Pharma has most of us on them...(I feel a rant coming on), that could be causing issues with muscle wasting and weakness and joints. NO ONE at retirement age, unless he or she has had a heart attack in his or her forties, should be on statins. Statins are now being shown NOT to be heart protective and just not worth the terrible side effects. And they not only cause problems with muscles but also the liver and memory. No thank you!
Don't take my word for it. Always check these things out...with sources that are not subsidized by Big Pharma, of course. Google something like 'dangers of statins' and look for credible sources of research.

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Replies to "Good for you being so proactive and going to the gym. I have problem knees and..."

@afrobin, thank you for curbing your rant. There are certainly cases where pharmaceutical companies warrant close scrutiny. Additionally, there is much we can do for our health by making wise lifestyle choices such as exercise, diet, good sleep habits, not smoking, etc. In some situations, healthy lifestyle choices can even lead to people being able to reduce or eliminate some medications.

But I must stress that some medications for some people are absolutely warranted and keep people alive. We can't vilify all medications or all producers of medicine. For some people, statins may be the right option. You're absolutely right that research and the literature is constantly being updated. Every person should do their own due diligence, read recent and credible sources of information, AND discuss options with their care provider.