Laurie, you're smart to be asking questions in advance. As you suggest, each doctor might handle things differently. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer 5 years ago, had surgery, then 5 months of chemo. After my last chemo, my oncologist explained that I'd see her every 3 months the first year, then lesser frequencies. My surgeon had ordered a mammogram for a year after my surgery (which came back clear). There are tests to check for cancer in other parts of our bodies - CT, MRI, and PET scans, but none of my doctors ordered them right away. Oh, yes, for you maybe after radiation they'll order a scan. For me, the following year I felt a hard spot at the top of my stomach. I didn't want to overreact (Oh, no, it's Cancer!!!), so just scheduled with my primary care, who ordered an ultrasound, then referred me back to my oncologist. Breast cancer had spread to my liver, so more chemo. Then, 6 months ago, I was starting to feel light headed sometimes, so I asked my oncologist about a brain MRI. It turned out to be breast cancer in my brain. Anyway, I'm still mainly healthy except for having cancer. Doctors will order different things, or nothing. I think it's up to us to really keep track of our bodies and ask our doctors to check things out.
Blessings to you on finishing your chemo, then having radiation. Keep thinking and asking questions, paying attention to your body, and holding onto your loved ones.