@lorirenee1, rwinney, Hello Rachel and Lori Renee, you beautiful goils! I am receiving 30-40+ + emails a day. I have only just learned that I need to type out everyone's Mayo (makes me think of mayonnaise LOL!), who is mentioned at the very top for them to see my reply. I hope I'm understanding this correctly? This is difficult and takes a lot of time for me bc I can only remember a few letters at a time so must keep scrolling up and down sometimes 3 times or more, just to memorize and type one name, depending on how many letters there are. I find it exhausting bc there are so many emails. Also hard on my eyes.
Girls, I MUST join the bones, muscles and joints group. I don't know how I will handle so many more emails /discussions and, how I will separate them from my neuropathy group! AAaahhhh! 🤪
I welcome suggestions.
Someone in the know, gave me some great info. I hope I'm understanding it correctly. Do you two go through the same thing?
I miss you! Hope you are doing well or at minimum, having some victory over your circumstances.
You two rock!! My warmest wishes, Sunny 😊🙃💗
@sunnyflower Whew! Yes, this neuropathy group has been rockin' with new involvement, new members, plus a bit of chit chat, which causes flooded air ways. 😃 When we think of new members coming in to learn neuropathy facts, imagine how they feel?! It's tough to navigate and fact find. Because neuropathy, in my opinion, is one of the more popular and active groups, it is bound to be busy and full of wonderful people.
Yes, I think its awesome for you to explore bones, muscles, joints groups and more. Keep in mind that you are fact searching and as hard as it may be, you might not have the physical ability to connect with everyone you cross paths with. Remember you are in the specific group to learn and/or teach from your experience.
Private message is great for more personal connections and may be helpful for some topics. I have my notifications selected for each group that I choose to want to participate in and receive mail notifications of updates. If I wake in the morning to 30-40 new messages, depending on my day, I just may have to delete some or pick and choose. If I really need a break, I may choose to change my settings and not receive notifications for a bit. Yes, ignorance can be bliss sometimes. 😜
I know if something is meant for me specifically, it should be addressed to me using "@rwinney" or sent to my private message box. Now that you have realized this trick, it may be easier on you.
I hope this helps! I wish you, my kind hearted friend, much success with onward and upward Mayo Connect participation and progress. 🤗