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Psoas muscle tightness

Fascial restrictions can affect anything in the body and I think it's always worth asking the question of my physical therapist anytime something changes. MFR can prevent health problems that would be caused by compression of something. If you compress a nerve enough there is pain, but eventually as the nerve is affected, the muscle that it served withers away. If you compress a blood vessel enough, it either starves part of the body for the blood and oxygen supply, or it pools fluid somewhere with the potential for blot clots. Blot clots can be serious business if they come loose and move through the circulatory system. The human body was meant to move. MFR can get the body back to normal functioning and reduce pain, and also allow the fluids to circulate through the tissues, not only bringing oxygen, but also removing waste products of metabolism. The blood cells are contained within vessels, and the lymph fluid actually is in contact with the cells of the organs and bring the dissolved oxygen directly to the tissues as it can pass through the capillary walls. The body has a system to return the lymph fluid back into the blood stream.

I do a lot of MFR work myself at home to build on what my physical therapist does in my weekly session. She has explained to me how to do this and you learn the feel of it, so you can actually feel the tight pathways, and also feel when the fascia begins to slide and open up. I would encourage you to do a lot of at home work stretching too. I did some this morning... too much sitting at the computer and my low back hurt because my psoas muscles where tight. They connect from the ilium of the pelvis ("hip bone") to the lumbar spine. I laid on my stomach with 2 small balls, one just inside each ilium and waited, then moved the balls and waited until I had worked through all of it. I also twisted my lumbar spine to the right because my left side is tighter while I was on the balls. I also laid on my right side at the edge of the bed and let my left (top) leg hang off the edge to further stretch that area. I probably spent an hour doing that and it relieved my low back pain. I also have a rubber thing called a Sacro Wedgie that I lay on while on my back. it cradles the sacrum to support it in proper alignment and it just uses my body weight to do it. Then I also can reset my pelvis with a move my therapist taught me. It's common to have alignment issues because the pelvis is jointed and has the ability to shift. I pay attention to the length of my stride when I walk, if it is too short, my leg will not extend far enough behind me, and then it is time to stretch and get it working again. You've probably noticed people with very short strides who walk a very short step.

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Replies to "Psoas muscle tightness Fascial restrictions can affect anything in the body and I think it's always..."

Thank you for your comprehensive overview! I am 63 y/o, have scoliosis, a long fusion, spinal stenosis, migraines, fibromyalgia. I found a person that does body work, who is not a physical therapist, but a massage therapist who specializes in a particular method of myofasial release called KCR. This stands for Kinetic Chain Release. He has studied with the founder of this particular method, and I am the lucky recipient. It is more helpful than any physical therapy I have had over the years, and infinitely less painful. It is worth using my retirement money on weekly sessions.

Jennifer this is great. I found a wonderful book that supports MFR. It is Forever Painless by Miranda Edmonde-White. It has a general warmup and specific exercise for every body part.
Using the warm up has helped to relieve my hip pain. The slow exercise movements serve to align, lengthen, and strengthen the body. I highly recommend it.

@jenniferhunter Does MFR help after fushion back surgery. Had generation in my spine, which caused a scoliosis and stenosis in my L-4, L-5 and S1. It was a 9 hour surgery. I'm 6 weeks post-0p and the surgeon wanted me to get off of all my pain medicine. I got off of Oxycodone, but still on Tramadol. Have lots of pain in the morning and continued pain off and on during the day. I am suppose to walk short distances several times a day.

Do you know of a MFR video link ?
It would be wonderful to have a visual aide to use for exercising while at home
Thank you for sharing in-depth explanation , and personal experience
Your incite will help many😊

Thank you for this post! I also find Essentrics movement helps.
Take a look at Essentrics.com
There is a lot to unpack and learn on this website and I would recommend sharing this information with your therapists or doctors to see if it is right for you.

Many on this site, myself included, need to be diligent in making sure, we move towards health by carefully moving forward under the direction of our health professionals.

That said, Essentric movement is another tool in the toolbox that may help us find relief.
Essentrics movement is what occupational therapist often recommend.

Essentics has movement programs for all ages and levels of activities. Books, CD’s, live classes locally, streaming. I personally have used the paid $15 monthly subscription service that is month to month and can be canceled at any time, however Amanda teaches on PBS weekly as well.

Gentle full body workout that combines dynamic strengthening and stretching.

Site is worth a look simply for education on facia and connective tissue, pain relief etc.