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Hi Nicole, I’ve had Meneres for 45 yrs., misdiagnosed for 15 yrs. My left ear is be pretty much shot, about 90% hearing loss, but my right is very good, very little loss. I have gotten by fine without any aids all these years, I miss a few things on my left but get 95% of what is said. The vertigo and balance and stomach issues are another matter. My trigger for that is sodium, I limit myself to 1000 mg or less a day and have had no problems for years. The sodium retains fluid in your body and that excess fluid produces an imbalance in your inner ear and thus the vertigo and associated issues. Give that a try and see if it improves, read labels carefully and understand how sodium filled our processed foods are per serving. Hope that helps you a bit, you have to figure out what works for your body. Meclazine is an over the counter and is cheap and can help with the vertigo, check spelling, but does make you drowsy.

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Replies to "Hi Nicole, I’ve had Meneres for 45 yrs., misdiagnosed for 15 yrs. My left ear is..."

Thanks for sharing, Jon.
I rarely eat anything processed to begin with, so the sodium thing is easy to monitor. My dr prescribed Triamterene, which seems to be helpful so far. And I've used the Meclizine once - slept a solid 24 hours with that! Lol
It's comforting to hear that you've done without aids for so long.