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Want to talk with others. Have you found relief from CRPS?

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Jan 25 11:00am | Replies (243)

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This is a real condition, in addition to being very painful. I assume you might be on pain medications? I found activity is the best, but it is really hard to be active when your in so much pain you have tears streeming down your face right? So, these are just suggestions that has worked on some, may or may not work for you. Use a tense unit, it stimulates the nerves to get blood flow, use it day and nightly, since they have a small one you can hook on your trousers. It releaves the pain temporarily. But the more you use it the better it gets. This is a condition that travels, it started in my arm, and moved down the whole left side. So of course, I was not very mobile during that time, only in a wheelchair. Goodnews, today I am walking and am very grateful to be out of a wheelchair. So has your condition traveled to other areas? If so where? I think you might find some releif in the tense unit.

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Replies to "This is a real condition, in addition to being very painful. I assume you might be..."

Hello csteel, me again. I have and Empi unit that is like a Tens but it's a cross-current. Hope I got that correct. That's the only difference. They cross the wires. It's supposed to work better. Here is the main Google page so you could select your choice of different web sites. My physical therapist had me get it. I think it was covered by my insurance somewhat. All the best, Sunnyflower https://www.google.com/search?q=empi+electrical+stimulation+unit&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS804US804&oq=Empi+electri&aqs=chrome.1.0l3j69i57j0l4.11901j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8