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Wow Terri! I just saw this post..missed it!!! I'm so sorry to hear your struggle! I also have a few things in common with you! My husband and I are in the middle of getting our house ready to sell..and build a smaller retirement home. Part of constant stress to me is all the things I need or wanted to do in this house have gone by the wayside because I'm sick all the time. My husband still works full time and is not really good at keeping up with things. He can fix all sorts of things..but not house stuff..that was always my job. I would paint, lay tile ,do the flowers and shrubs outside. I'm just going to be so happy to get out of here! We have a travel trailer that wrre going to put on our land and live there while we renovate and sell. Then we can build.
I've always been an artist, and that's been put back too. Jewelry is another love, but I plan on trying to do it. At least I can sit!! Only problem is when the brain is exhausted!
Were hoping to have a garden also but we have to keep it simple. Have you tried Amikacin???

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Replies to "Wow Terri! I just saw this post..missed it!!! I'm so sorry to hear your struggle! I..."

@gaylewroc, It sounds like you and I have a lot in common. I wish we were neighbors; we would probably be good friends. I vowed to stop my hobbies, and I am for now; at least until I can get through this move. We are keeping the larger house for at least six months to see if we CAN live together in tighter quarters. If not, I am moving back into the bigger house and may build a master bedroom on the first floor. I plan to hold art classes in the larger home during that six months we are not living in it. I already have a growing group of ladies that want to attend. Of course, I will have to see what my energy level is. Right now, I am feeling great on prednisone. It is a wait and see kind of thing. Your plans sound exciting. Are you going to be up to the challenges of a building project? I just let my hubby do it all. He designed it and did all of the finish work. My job will be to design the walk-in closet, the garage organization and decorate the apt. It turned out adorable. I am looking forward to all rooms being on one level!