← Return to PreDiabetes recommended Daily Sugar and Carbohydrates intake

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@contentandwell I currently eat about 130 grams of carbs per day, about double the amount I was eating a few months ago. It's not having an impact. The path I'm heading down is making sure those carbs have lots of fiber (50 grams) and no added sugar. Dark chocolate can be a great source of fiber. A while ago, I was eating Keto Bark just to increase calories. The good thing about Keto Bark is that there is no added sugar, and almost all of the carbs are fiber. The bad thing about is that it's expensive.

Lovely prednisone did the exact same thing to me. It's what sent me down this learning path. There was no way I was going to finger poke/inject insulin for the rest of my life if I could do something to change that. My diet and exercise did exactly that.

In no way would I suggest that diet and exercise can cure all Type 2 diabetes. I believe it can reverse many who have pre-diabetes. But there are lots of other factors that also come into play. Suffice it to say that a good diet and exercise won't make the problem worse and can only make things better.

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Replies to "@contentandwell I currently eat about 130 grams of carbs per day, about double the amount I..."

@mickj when I was first diagnosed with diabetes, long before I was diagnosed with cirrhosis (they go hand in hand) the dietician told me I could have 45 gm of carbs per meal, and 2 snacks of 15 gm each. You were really keeeping it very low. Was that the recommended amount? I also exercise about six days a week, sometimes seven, so that helps of course.

Since I did lose a lot weight prior to my transplant I wonder if really am diabetic still. I don’t think I would consider the diabetes reversed though unless I did not watch carbs and my bg was still good, just as any non-diabetic person can.

@mickj are you still on a high of prednisone? When my dosage was decreased the high bg numbers immediately stopped.
I too hated the finger poking. I was doing it four times a day, and it hurt!