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Birth Control

Women's Health | Last Active: Jun 10, 2019 | Replies (16)

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I am a 17 year old female with chronic fatigue syndrome and Orthostatic Intolerance! You guys have seen me around! I met with my doctor at Mayo two days ago! And we talked about birth control to help lessen my symptoms. The symptoms I experience with CFS and Orthostatic Intolerance Increase drastically during that time of the month. My mom is fine with me getting birth control but due to religious reasons my dad is against it. Due to those religious beliefs I know that despite how much me and my doctor push for it, he will not accept it . I have someone who could drive me to meet with the gynecologist at Mayo to get birth control. I am unable to pay for it out of pocket and insurance covers it for free. Is it possible to get it, without it showing up on bills or insurance things? And what form of birth control is best?

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Replies to "Hi! I am a 17 year old female with chronic fatigue syndrome and Orthostatic Intolerance! You..."

Hi, @karina77 - you may have noticed I moved your post to this existing discussion you were participating in on the topic of birth control in the Women's Health group. I did this so that all the information you collect on this topic is in one place and so you can keep discussing with the same members.

Some of the members you've been speaking with here may have some input on how to handle the situation where your doctor suggests birth control would help lessen your increased chronic fatigue syndrome and orthostatic intolerance symptoms at menstruation, yet your mom would approve it and your dad would not. I'd also like to invite @webdog @kellye5 @susangs @oregongirl @sita into this conversation for their thoughts.

What I'd suggest, @karina77, is to talk with your doctor or the nursing staff in his or her office about your questions on whether one can get birth control without it showing up on bills or insurance, as well as your question on the best kind of birth control for lessening the symptoms of your CFS and orthostatic intolerance.

What does your mom suggest as far as how to proceed, @karina77?