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Small Fiber Neuropathy?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Feb 12, 2023 | Replies (214)

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@jimhd first of all I hope things are going better . You are in my prayers.
Imipramine was something I was also given 25 years ago as I was in so much pain and going downhill. I won’t be here today without starting that med.
my problem is figureing docs and meds to take now. Over the last 2 years I had been on imipramine and also cymbalta. I starting getting hand shaking and was told by a dr I saw that took all the blood work that it could be the cymbalta with the imipramine so I stopped the Cymbalta in April . I was going to ask my new Pysch ( old one retired about going back on it) but went to first dr in 9 months, one who specialty is neuro with ms and also Pysch. He discussed trying pot or cbd. Then talked about gaba, lyrica and mirtazazine but saw that I might be heading down hill so he put me on mirtazane. I’m not sure I’m going to stay on it as I need to talk to my other dr about going back to cymbalta.
How do U get up in the morning? The 7.5 mg knocks me out.

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Replies to "@jimhd first of all I hope things are going better . You are in my prayers...."

@albiet Mirtazapine has never caused drowsiness. Several meds I take list that as a side effect, but I pretty much take them at bedtime, so drowsiness is good.

I have sleep apnea and use a Bipap machine. I've never been a morning person and function better with at least 9 hours of sleep. But I don't have a problem with getting up early for an appointment or some other thing.

Perhaps your body will adjust to the Mirtazapine and you won't have problems in the morning.
