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My insurance company covered 100% so I’m not sure pricing but I also know they will work with your insurance company especially since you have had numerous opinions with no results. I encourage you to speak with their insurance department.


I forgot to mention in my previous response.. I had no idea anything was wrong until I received a steroid injection to my shoulder. The cortisol shot caused an unusual reaction that triggered my issues. My doctors were very adamant that it was impossible to have a tumor and had done multiple MRIs and couldn’t find it however my particular tumor was only visible on a CT scan that they accidentally stumbled upon for an unrelated issue. I had a mildly high aldosterone but a extremely low renin level. Not all tumors are hormonally active. But any tumor in the adrenal gland reeks havoc on the endoctrine system. I’m definitely not saying you have a tumor!!! But I highly encourage you to get those tests. Those will be the first few tests you will have if you decide to go to Mayos. They will also do 24 hour urine a slug of blood tests and an 24 hr ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. But if you decide to go to Mayo I encourage you to have them perform those tests because timing is everything with those tests. If not done properly they will be a waist of time and money.

You have to be your own advocate. No one else is more invested then yourself. I would not be here today if I did not advocate for myself. I am a very strong believer in everything happens for a reason so let’s find the reason. 😉

As for my stay, my sister-in-law lives 2 blocks from campus so I stayed with her. She sold her house a couple months ago so I stayed in a hotel and they had a discounted rate for patients and I used the shuttle which runs throughout the day free of charge. My stays are usually 3-5 days depending on testing schd. If you let your medical team know your in a hotel they try their best to get stuff done quickly. Good news “I DON’T KNOW” is not in their vocabulary. I have been seen my Nephrology, neurology, Epilepsy, Cardiology, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapy, cardio thoracic surgery and pain treatment center in the course of 20 years. I have only been disappointed once but only because it wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

Have you notice any other changes? Like sleep patterns? More jumpy than usual? Since Cortisol effects your fight or flight system different times of the day or night. Has your doctor mentioned an adrenal vein sampling also known as AVS?


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Replies to "@nycdave7 My insurance company covered 100% so I’m not sure pricing but I also know they..."

Hi Dawn, thank you for replying. Sorry for not getting this response earlier. I did have a pitutary mri scan but they only found a micro adenoma. Problem is with the exception of an once mildly high ACTH test, others have come within normal range. Neurosurgeon in NYC recommended a DDAVP test but utilizing the drug can worsen my symptoms of hypertension since that drug promotes fluid retention. I do notice myself sleeping from 9PM to 1AM, and going back to sleep at 4- 5AM. Prior to the corticosteroids, I have never been sick in my life since I was 10 years old (pneumonia). I went on the steroid eye drops at 22 years old for 6 weeks. Noticed during the winters I get this wierd episode of Chillblains, sometimes the toes can turn into a light black color. Not sure if this is due to cortisol induced hypertension. Have horizontal beau's lines on fingernails and occasionally random hemotoma on one of my finger nails. Recently, had 2 tests that showed elevated creatinine clearance in 24 HR urine, but normal creatinine serum. Not sure if all this has any relation to the high cortisol levels and the elevated blood pressure. BP tends to be lower in the winter compared to hot / humid summers.Tired of visiting NYC doctors that cannot provide answers but just charge you