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Shingles and Postherpetic Neuralgia and Pain

Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: May 7, 2023 | Replies (189)

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I have not been on here for sometime. I was sorry to see the red light laser did not work for Hank's wife. How are you doing I am down to using it only 1 or 2 times a week now. I hope you are having the same results. I learned from Hank that too high of a setting and most likely too often can cause more pain. So I use it only on the 1 setting and like I said only 1 or 2 times a week. I couldn't be happier with my results. Hope you are getting good results. If you are feeling more pain then lower the setting and cut back how often you are using it. I know have a different problem I am dealing with. I swim a lot in the summer and for the past 2 years I have developed itchy ears. The opening of my ears itch something terrible. I was told by my Dr. 2 years ago it was probably an allergy. I have tried to check everything I eat and do and sleep on and even my detergent and shampoo. Nothing makes any difference to the itch. This week I am calling my Dr. to see if I could have picked up a fungus at our local pool last summer. That is what the pharmacist said to do. Why is it we can solve one problem and another pops up? Maddening!

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Replies to "I have not been on here for sometime. I was sorry to see the red light..."

Jerid, so glad to hear from you as I was just about to return my TRX also as I believe the pain had also gotten worse rather than improving! Since I have until the end of January for the return I will try using it 2-3 times a week on the lowest setting to see if that will help before I give up! Really want it to work so I can get relief from this every day pain for almost 3 years now! What is your pain like now compared to when you first started this treatment? Thanks Bunny