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After breast cancer chemo - Paclitaxel

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Jan 26, 2019 | Replies (15)

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So I had 4 rounds of chemo over 12 weeks. The tiredness does go away eventually. I napped and did some physical activity between chemo and radiation. I found some foods that tasted good to me and that is what I ate. If you are not lactose intolerant, I like Carnation Instant breakfast mixed with milk or milk and ice cream. Gets the calories, protein and assorted nutrients into your body. Some people find watermelon tastes good. I still don’t like most salad dressings—Ken’s dressings taste the best. I ate lots of soup and baked potatoes. Some days a BRAT diet worked best—-bananas, applesauce, rice and toast. Small meals eaten every few hours was also helpful.
You will be tired during radiation but not nearly as much as during chemo! Save your energy for doing those things that matter the most to you.
I found it does get better with time. Mary Kay

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Replies to "So I had 4 rounds of chemo over 12 weeks. The tiredness does go away eventually...."

Thank you for the ideas. I've tried ensure and protein shakes and since my taste buds are gone, they taste awful. However my husband makes me drink them. Yes, I had 8 treatments, once every 2 weeks, so I feel I didn't really get time to get over one before I was having the next one. The last 4, paclitaxal was really hard. It has caused bad neuropathy in my hands and feet so makes it very hard to walk too. I guess I'm being impatient too. I want the old me back.