← Return to Blood Donation, whole blood, Platelets, Red Cells, Plasma

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Hello all
The American Red Cross is currently experiencing a platelet emergency and I’m sure they are not the only organization with a shortage - and it's serious.

Whole blood can be stored for 42 days. Each platelet donation expires after only five days. During those five days, each donation must be tested, processed, packed and shipped to a hospital or cancer center. Over 50 percent of donated platelets are used for cancer patients of all ages. And the need never lets up.

We deeply appreciate all our donors, but our platelet donors are particularly special. Please give ASAP to help end the emergency. Just one donation may help save more than one life.

I hope whoever reads this can help fill the shortage. A very satisfying experience knowing you are helping others.
Thank you for reading,

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Replies to "Hello all The American Red Cross is currently experiencing a platelet emergency and I’m sure they..."

@jakedduck1 Nice post hope more people respond I use to work for red cross in testing the blood First person you see if the test denied them we told them eat more raisins and spinach to build your iron. Speaking of spinach have to fix my spinach lasagna for supper That's an easy one for you 😂😁


I appreciate this post, Jake. Thanks for letting us know about the shortage.