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Hi all, I am in between antidepressant meds again.. had to stop Viibrid after a short period of time.. was causing very bad diarrhea.. now Psych is thinking Trintellix.. starting at 5mg. I don't like what i read about it with the side effects.. I also got the GeneSight test and this medicine is not on the Green light list of good meds. for me.. I am also taking avg. 300 mg. Neurontin for cervical neck stenosis nerve pain for about three mos now per my pain management Doctor.. i hate it.. make you feel like a Zombie, good for anxiety some.. the pain management Doctor refusing to do any trigger shots, epidural, etc.. she is stating that it will cause psychosis!! I had nerve blocks, nerve ablations and an epidural for my lower left lumbar spine and that did not happen.. Also, Neurontin can change your mood.. May have to go back on Cymbalta, 20 mg. to help the nerve pain stay under control.. I tried it for a short period of time and it caused upper gastric distress and I believe pretty bad dry eyes.. had to stop it.. I am still on Clonopin- avg 1mg. or more a day or some days none.. These Doctors are driving me nuts with the meds change. I also hate all the lousy side effects.. pain management Doc. also recommending Lyrica and or Norytriptiline and those have bad side effects with major weight gain being one of them. I starve myself now and am never hungry and am at about avg. 158 and 5 ft. 5.5 inches.. way too much for me.. i feel horrible. i am ready to just go off everything!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.. JMS

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Replies to "Hi all, I am in between antidepressant meds again.. had to stop Viibrid after a short..."

Hi, @jeanmnyc - You may notice I moved your discussion and combined it with another discussion titled, "Trintellix." I did this so other members discussing this medication would see your message and have a chance to add their thoughts.

That is unfortunate you have very bad diarrhea while taking the vilazodone (Viibryd). I'd love for other members who have taken vortioxetine (Trintellix) to weigh in on this medication and how things have gone for them, and offer any advice. Please meet @petangelkat1 @elwooodsdad @rainswuth @ssmm7782 @yudy. @merpreb and @jakedduck1 may also have some input.

@jeanmnyc - just to clarify, have you now started the vortioxetine (Trintellix), or where did you leave things with the doctor about taking this medication?