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Weaning off Effexor with CBD Oil

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Jun 25, 2022 | Replies (56)

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@lindeyt01- Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You came to the right place. When I withdrew from Effexor I did it over a long period of time. antidepressants change your brain's chemistry and when you suddenly stop taking them your brain goes nuts.

By withdrawing Effexor (I took it for postmenopausal depression and it had helped with hot flashes and worked for quite a few years for me.) many people go to another antidepressant immediately. I'd like to ask @jakedduck1 to help here.

Why do you want to withdraw? Has your doctor given you any advice on how to withdraw? Or even a pharmacist?

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Replies to "@lindeyt01- Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You came to the right place. When I withdrew from..."

@merpreb Thank you for your reply, so glad there is a community that can help. Often you feel alone when going through these things. Yes, I have spoken with my doctor. She suggested the tampering method and I had not tried it, honestly because I felt scared of having brain zaps. I do know that this may happen and it won't last forever. My husband and I would like to get pregnant within the next year so she suggested Celexa as a safer drug for pregnancy. I was on an antidepressant with my first pregnancy and gave birth prematurely. I just feel like I do know what the right decision to make here is. Should I tamper or move to Celexa and tamper from that? What will cause the least amount of withdrawal symptoms? I know everyone's body is different and there's no way to fully answer these questions. I am here to gain more insight so I can make the best decision.