Hi and Welcome!
I am one of the people Lisa suggested to give you some input about weaning off Effexor.
As a little background....I am 63 years old. I've been on Effexor for many years (lost count). After a few events that shook me to my soul, I am now taking 300 mg of Effexor. Because I had weight loss surgery, I cannot take released formula, I take regular pills (which for reducing probably works out better than the capsules). I take 2-75 mg pills in the AM and the PM.
I am weaning VERY, VERY slowly. I am doing it on my own without the help of a doctor. The psychiatrist who monitored my Effexor left the practice and I have not yet found a new doc. Before she left, she left with a 6 mos. script to my prescription provider. I tried to wean off with the assistance of my doctor many years ago when I was on a much lower dosage but the schedule was much to quick and wound up back on meds. I am NOT using anything, at this time to assist with withdrawal since I am not having any symptioms (at this time).
As I said, I take 2 pill in the AM and PM. I cut one of my PM pills into 1/4s. I removedd 1/4 from my PM dosage every other night for 3 weeks. Since I felt fine, I went to every PM for 3 weeks. At the end of next week, if I continue to feel well, I will remove another 1/4 of a pill in the PM every other night for 3 weeks. If I do well, then every PM.
I guess you can see the pattern. I reduce the PM pill by 1/4 ever other night for 3 weeks, then every night for 3 weeks. I always 'read' my body to make sure I am OK and not having withdrawal symptoms. If I do get them, I will remain on the dosage or go back for another week (or more if needed). It is MY OPINION, that slow and steady will (hopefully) win the race.
BTW......I am NOT looking to totally come off the Effexor. I am just looking to get onto a dosage that will keep my anxiety under control and my head clear. I am thinking 37.5 mg in the AM and PM. That, I will see as I get closer. As I said, I am in NO rush to complete this process.
Hope this helps!
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)
Please review her story. I am really suffering trying to get off Effexor. Until I started to read others experiences, I had no idea I’d completely lost my lust for life. I want to feel again. I’ve been on Effexor foe 13years. I should have just taken to help with the life changing event I had and then got off of it. My doc is a very good person and just said I should stay on it. After doing more research, I realize how I’ve change so much from someone with a lust for life, to someone who hates crowds, dreads social events and just wants to stay home in my pajamas. I will keep you posted with my journey. Whatever you do, you have to do this slowly or the damage can be permanent!
Please review this article. It may save you a lot of unneeded agony.
The Stoner Mom and how I got myself off Wellbutrin and Zoloft with CBD.