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Tapering off clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Mar 30, 2023 | Replies (236)

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Hi, all. I’m late to the conversation and new to the site. I was recently in a psych hospital for about 5 days due to meds not working with me. They “tapered” me off of Klonipin, added some meds, took some away. And by that I mean that within 3 days I was tapered off klonopin from .75 mg 2 times a day to .5mg 2 times to .5 for 1 day. They took away the drugs causing the issues (pristiq and Latuda) and I wasn’t taking them more than 2 weeks at MOST. There was no weaning of Latuda. Only cymbalta. And they added Abilify 5mg.

So to make this make sense...
They took my Klonopin down from .75 twice a day to: tues and Wednesday .5 twice, Thursday .5 once and Friday none.
They took me off of Latuda cold turkey after taking it for about 2 weeks (I think?).
They weaned me off of Pristiq.
They put me on 5mg of Abilify.
They gave me Visteril for anxiety and insomnia.

So my question is, is it normal to feel absolutely awful and anxiety ridden? I feel like my site is delayed, my anxiety is worse than it’s ever been (obsessed with if I’m medically okay, shaking, can’t sleep, mind racing, tingling, head feels like a band is on it, etc). And I’m out of it. Is this withdrawal from weaning too quickly?


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Replies to "Hi, all. I’m late to the conversation and new to the site. I was recently in..."

@dallison1189 Hello and welcome I feel like they use us as little pigs sometimes. They switched my meds when I went into the hospital every which way but loose. When I look back, they had no right to do this to me. You probably are going crazy due to the meds. Call your doctor right away. If you must go back to a different hospital. Cymbalta going from 60 to 30 just like that made me completely crazy and I still have 30mgs to go. So look at all the withdrawal of Cymbalta-It is a drug needed to be off the market. Unless you are Bipolar and angry a lot, why are they using abilify to help you? Just my thoughts God Bless and Good Luck!

@dallison1189-Hi Danielle- I am not a doctor but I do wish the doctors who did this could have the same experience as you are having!! I would think what you are feeling is entirely related to what they have done with you. I totally agree with catcatanzaro60 that you need to get back to the doctor and if necessary to a different hospital. If you are able to get genetic testing for psychotropic drugs done I would really recommend that as well.
Hang in there and know you have an army of supporters out here in cyber space who are wishing you success in fighting the battle for mental health!
Best wishes

Hi, @dallison1189 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. That is a lot of change in medications. I know from my own experience changing from citalopram (Celexa) to buproprion (Wellbutrin) years ago and from what members have shared in this community that any change in antidepressants (or anti-anxiety meds) can truly be a challenge, and potentially include some real setbacks along the way.

If you click on VIEW & REPLY in your email notification, you will see the whole discussion and can join in, meet and participate with other members talking about their or their loved ones' experiences. I believe you will see that many members have had some tough times with their tapers.

Have you had the chance to report back to your doctor about how you are doing now with the symptoms you mentioned - worsened anxiety, shaking, insomnia, mind racing, tingling, head pressure? If so, what did the doctor propose to get you through these transitions with your medications, now that you are back at home?