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How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Digestive Health | Last Active: Oct 30, 2022 | Replies (182)

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No. I had a colonoscopy and checked inside my stomach and said it was somewhat inflamed.but ok..I never got to see the doctor who ordered it afterwards, but the doctor I saw just gave me a list of food I should and shouldn't eat...Actually, that doesn't seem to make much difference..It seems to be more when I eat than what altho I do watch certain foods. The other day when I had been having bouts for a couple days, I drank their medicated bulk drink twice, ate nothing but rice, bread and applesauce, decaf tea with honey. I got up the next morning and had two sips of the cold tea and within 10 minutes I had diarrhea all over the bed, the floor and my wheelchair. I was devastated.

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Replies to "No. I had a colonoscopy and checked inside my stomach and said it was somewhat inflamed.but..."

I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. Please review Drberg.com utube recordings to understand health problems. Rice and bread are the sources of inflammation and pain. Actually sugar is, but since the system converts all carbohydrates into sugars they are the source of the problems. Also all processed foods, can foods, spicy foods, preservatives, and flour products. This is just to heal from all problems but later you can add them to your diet once you are healthy. The health secret is to consume a lot of vegetables with protein (fish, chicken, and meat). Vegetables are broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, celery, some carrots, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, and other items that are helpful but not offensive. Fresh fruits but no cakes. If you eat a pizza and have stomach problems look at the ingredients bread and processed tomatoes paste. Not the cheese as much or fresh tomatoes. Bread is a health destroyer and I consumed it for 70 years. I removed all the flour products and carbohydrates from my diet and reversed all my health problems. Including put Crohn's in remission. Sugar is the source of depression also.
I hope I gave you a new direction to take it seriously. You should heal in couple of weeks at the most. Otherwise there maybe other problems where a doctor must help you.

falconfly before I went to my doctor right after I act my first food of the day I would also get diarrhea. My doctor gave me medication and it worked. In 2011 I was not able to eat much at one time because it felt as though my food would stay in the chest area and would case pain. I knew I had a hiatal hernia but by then I was getting such heart burn with the poor diagestion I went to see a surgeon who recommended surgery to fix my hernia. I heard from other people that once you have the operation. I would need another every 4 years. But this doctor said if you eat smaller portions and each 4 times a day. I would not need another operation. So for a month after the Surgery I ate for a week only soup than meansed meat and than I worked up normal food but with smaller portains throughout the day. So far so good. So maybe watching your food intake and eating smaller portions could help your diarrhea.