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Post-cholecystectomy or gallbladder removal surgery

Digestive Health | Last Active: Mar 30 12:28pm | Replies (150)

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Hi all. This will be my final update. It's been almost 6 mos since my biliary stent removal and almost 9 mos post-cholesectomy. I can eat almost anything in moderation now and am pain free and stomach spasm free as a result. I am however still on Dicetel as it helped improve my Crohn's symptoms. I am down to 2 per day and hope to eliminate them completely. So in my case, I was followed well by my medical team and the 3 extra ERCPs I endured seems to have cured my post-cholesectomy pain. I hope that my experience can help others help themselves to get similar results. Of course every case is different and it is still up to your medical professional to determine the best course of action for you. Good luck everyone. It is terrible physically and mentally to live with biliary pain and you shouldn't have to in 2020. I have a new lease in life today now that the pain is gone.

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Replies to "Hi all. This will be my final update. It's been almost 6 mos since my biliary..."

I'm so happy for you. You've been through a lot. You had doctors who listened and you were proactive in your care as well. No one can fathom what chronic pain and illness does to the body and the mind unless they've experienced it. I wish you great health.

I am so happy to hear this, @woodsiechris!
I so appreciate you keeping us updated about your health. Your statement, "I hope that my experience can help others help themselves to get similar results,” is the epitome of the value of Connect: Sharing experiences helps us cope with our struggles, helps us learn from each other and realize that we are not alone – this is what Connect is all about.
I wish you all success for the future.