Hello @chigirl. You may notice I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing one titled, "Kneeling with artificial knee." I did this so members like @ellerbracke, @sakota, @cobweb, and others taking place in this discussion on this topic would have a chance to see your message and respond. If you are replying by email, I suggest clicking on VIEW & REPLY so you will be brought to the new location of your post and so that you can read through some of the posts already made as well.
@chigirl, when I had my knee replacement in 2006, I was advised not to kneel on it, but every surgeon has different philosophies based on what I have read on Connect. Personally, I don't do it because it is painful, and in all honesty, it weirds me out mentally. Luckily, I have a good left knee, so if kneeling is absolutely required, I use that knee to kneel and keep my right one up (imagine a proposal position). @chigirl, were you given any specific instructions on kneeling, or were you told you could do most things as long as they weren't too painful?
Hi Justin, I was not told anything about kneeling or not. That's why I was so surprised by it. Mostly just kneel on Sundays at communion. I am having a second tkr Oct. 30 and was hoping the next one would be better, but it doesn't sound like it.