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Hi merr and everyone else. Its been awhile since i,ve been in here. So far summer hasnt been too. Bad. I go for another ct scan at mayo. The last one there were some changes in my left lung so need to find out about that. My copd has been pretty good or as much as it can be. Now the last thing. Ever since last dec been having these tremors every so often. Had a mri which was good a eeg short one which was good. So no answers. Last week i did a 72 hour eeg so am now waiting on a report on that. It is so hard when you know something is not right and have to sit around waiting and waiting. All you want is answers so you know what you have to do and to keep on surviving. The good lord is with us all and will help us get thru what we need too. Prayers to all of you. .

Ps. And excuse my language. But humor and friends go a long way in dealing with this shit.

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Replies to "Hi merr and everyone else. Its been awhile since i,ve been in here. So far summer..."

Good to hear from you, @sakota, I do hope you find some answers for your tremors. I so appreciate your positive attitude. It goes a long way in adjusting to difficulties!
I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you post with an update as you get test results?

@sakota- Hi Joan, it's so good to hear from you. Your language is just fine. I know just what you mean about knowing something is wrong and are stumped as to what it its. What kind of a doctor are you seeing for tremors. I hope that it's a neurologist! I think that we have spoken about this before. Where do you have tremors? Could it simply be essential tremors? My neurologist suggested that I had it. Here are a couple of sites that discuss this.
Has a doctor reviewed all of your medicines so that any culprits could be taken of of your list?
Have you spoken with @hopeful33250 as she has essential tremors too.?