← Return to Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

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Appreciate you ability to be so honest about all your feelings and experiences during your ordeal with cancer. I pick up helpful bits and pieces—this my first experience with VATS. So many who have not had our trials and tribulations seem to think we can bounce back in no time. You make it clear that this is not so. You are so right in this. Also the lingering fear of recurrence is always there. Sometimes it lurks beneath the surface and sometime it is right there at the surface. I go from optimist to,pessimist several times a day. I cannot imagine having the number of treatments that yiu’ve Had and not completely breaking with reality! I admire your strength and honesty. God bless you for your blog and for just being You!

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Replies to "Appreciate you ability to be so honest about all your feelings and experiences during your ordeal..."

Good morning @alamogal635. Thank you. I truly believe that honesty with myself and sharing my journey with others has helped me over the "hump", and out of PTSD. Many times I feel that I'm teetering long it's rim, and that's just fine. Each time I have to right myself is one more notch of survival! Stay as strong as you can, being as honest with yourself as you can. and write. You are an excellent writer. I truly believe that writing helps more than a shrink sometimes!