Moderator, I’m new to this. Wondering what foods reduce the effectiveness of vancomycin and what foods help its effectiveness. I want to know what to eat WHILE TAKIMG VANCOMYCIN. Can you get me to the right forum if this is not the correct one?
I was diagnosed with cdiff after surgery (to remove a polyp in neck of appendix where it connects to colon; surgery was needed because they could t get it without taking part of the colon). Surgery went well. Except three days later developed severe diarrhea. I thought it was my colon reacting to surger, as everyone kept telling me. After a couple weeks of watery diarrhea with flecks, I realized something else was going on. Doctor tested for cdiff, which was positive.
I tried a ten day course of vancomycin 125mg qid, but it did not get rid of the infection. It slowed the frequency of movements, and it changed the movements from watery flecks to semi soft (soft serve ice cream consistency), but after 9 days off of it, the stools started loosening, and frequency increased, and flecks started to show up. They wanted to start vancomycin again, but I complained about pain in urinary tract (prostatitis type symptoms) while on vanco, so they instead tried 10 day course of metronidazole. That did the same thing — toward end the frequency/consistency improved, but 4 days off of metronidazole the watery diarrhea with flecks returned worse than the return after vanco ended.
I’m waiting to hear what they are going to try next, and if it’s vancomycin, I want to make sure I don’t eat foods that take away from its effectiveness.
I took Metronidazole first and it did not work for me. Then I did Vancomycin for 10 days and that did not work. Then I did Vanco pulse and taper for 5 or 6 weeks and that did NOT work. My GI finally put me on Dificid and that worked. It's expensive and my insurance would not pay for it until I had taken Vancomycin. And even then, the co-pay was high. But it worked. Ask your physician about Dificid. I've been C-diff free since November, 2018. And I knock on wood every time I say that. Wishing you well.