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In the hospital my surgeon knew I have the numb tingling, but never touch or looked at my leg/foot just said that was normal and give it time. Next day same thing, but then said you just bought yourself another day in the hospital. He never too the wrap off or even looked at it, the nurses did it all. PT just put a leg stabler on that leg so I could stand up. I got copies of my medical records. he NEVER put any of the foot info in there. But put surgery took longer than normal because of soft tissue. asked him why, he said he puts that in all surgeries incase you need to be in the hospital longer. I had a HUGE bruise from the tourniquet that didn't notice til I got home and my husband saw it.
He never put notes in chart till months later and weren't approved until I brought it to the attention of the patient advocate at the hospital. He even hi-lighted and deleted my 3 week check up with him when I went back 3 months later and told him what he did to the artery. I took info to lawyer. They said I had a good chance for a good case of neglect. Well since he never put anything about my foot in any of his reports. In fact he had stated in my hospital report he took off the wrap and looked at my knee in the hospital. He blatantly lied on all my visits with him. I had a 2 year appoint with him for Friday 2-5-2021 and cancelled it, he is not with worth wasting my time to have him tell me again it takes time to heal the nerves and give in yet another year or two. That there was nothing he could do. NEVER once has he said I'm sorry that this had to happen, nothing! and that alone would mean a lot to me. All I was ever told was that it was normal, give it time, then why I waited 60 days to get it fixed I could of lost my leg. At one yr appointment "I suppose there will be a law suit. Well I tried since he asked, but when Doctors are allowed to lie and change their medical records you don't have a chance. Lori A.

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Replies to "In the hospital my surgeon knew I have the numb tingling, but never touch or looked..."

Wow, Lori, I would try for the lawsuit, to give you a sense of self preservation at the least. I had incredible bruising, also, from the tourniquet probably, but also I had bruises on my leg as if they grabbed it at a number of locations with strong vises, and when I came out of surgery, my foot felt like they had grabbed my foot at the ankle and rotated the foot 180 degrees and left it twisted. I have tried to get a diagnosis for my foot from a surgeon, orthopedist, PT's, podiatrist, neurologist. My chiropractor thinks it is a compressed nerve and keeps working on my spine adjustments. I am so sorry about your situation. My surgeon excused me after 6 months and said I don't need to go back for checkups. I had "sufficient" ROM but needed a lot more muscle strength the last time I saw him, and he did not care to see if I progressed from the minimal!