Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)
I had a right total knee replacement 10 weeks ago and came out of surgery with numbness and intermittent pain on the bottom of my right foot. However, I do have good motor function in that foot. The knee has been healing and with PT, movement is on track, but the foot is a major challenge. The foot pain at times is worse than any from the knee. I have been able to generally manage the foot pain with gabapentin. My surgeon believes this may resolve in time but may take from 6-12 months. However there is a possibility that it will never go away. Has anyone else experienced foot neuropathy following knee replacement? If so, what was your experience with it?
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P.S. I do not feel any numbness nor tingling during the day, only at night after I go to bed.
19 months and no change in the foot numbness. If I don't wear socks and shoes it feel cold and hurts.
I only doctors would listen to their patients after surgery maybe something could be corrected. Like my popliteal artery that my surgeon pinched closed and kept saying that was normal. took my primary to do a simple ABI test to find it. When I went back to my TKR surgeon all he said is "why did you wait so long to get it fixed, you could of lost your leg" REALLY!
I feel the pain of all those who have this problem.
Thank you for the info. I will get it checked out.
Thank You for the Prayers. I too believe in the power of Prayer and will give a little prayer for you and all others who have this problem.
I have had a nerve test done and all that did was confirm the nerve damage. I had a cortisone spinal injection for my back and that helped with the leg pain, but not for the numbness and tingling. That surgeon made the commit "your TKR surgeon pinched more than you popliteal artery. Of course the TKR surgeon has NEVER admitted or even say I'm sorry that happened.
I have had a lot of people tell me I should go after him, but what good would that do. (even though I retired from a job I loved with good benefits after all this and am no longer working because of the knee issues and pay $144 for medicare and $355 for BCBS and $40 a month for dental. That was only costing me $167 a month for both me and my husband. Now he pays the $144 and $44 for his supplement. And then they want to cut out Medicare?? As seniors how can we afford health insurance? I can hardly afford it now at $688 for the 2 of us.)
mine is all the time and that foot is a little swollen and gets tight with shoes on, but if I don's wear shoes and socks, it feels cold and is painful.
sorry about the rambling about insurance previously, I just get very frustrated sometimes of what we spend on insurance now.
Thank you for the prayers. No need to apologize about the insurance. I am sure many people feel your pain. We pay this insurance and good, caring doctors are rare these days. Money is the name of their game. We will be fine especially since we know who to depend on FIRST and it is not the doctors. I know we will get better.
Are you still feeling pain?
Hey all. It will be 12 wks s/p R TKA. Very hard to drive due to pain going from inside of knee up to inside groin. Foot drop continues unchanged. Need to pick up entire leg to move between gas and brake. Anyone else having this trouble?? Wearing turbo brace for foot drop which is fine. Doesnt help with driving though. Pain is horrible.
So where are things at now?? What did your malpractice attorney say???
I am a little late to this discussion as I just joined this forum. I am a right TKA/TKA revision survivor. What does your knee surgeon say about this apparent nerve damage?